Almost a Master of Science, but not yet! Have a look at my educational side of life.
Not yet there, but on the finish line: Currently on the last steps to acquire my master of science. International Business always stood out to me due to the cultural differences in a fast paced globalized world. Avoiding an international working field becomes impossible and from what I learned, a diverse group of people can make the biggest impact! This is why I knew from the beginning - I want to study and later on work in an international environment! What I currently do? Creating an outstanding application for you and writing my thesis: Driving Change - The Role of Sustainability and Diversity in Shaping the Future of the Luxury European Union Automotive Aftermarket.
Three years of a mix between practical implications and theoretical learnings: I always knew I want to study something with economics and business administration but on the other hand I wanted to work. The logic conclusion - studying dual. In my three years as a dual student I learned more than I thought would be possible in such a short amount of time, on a personal, but also professional level. Applying what I learned at uni and immediatly working with it on the job, helped me to understand and use the knowledge I gained im my daily work.
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